Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 117 - Croque en Bouche

Today I made a Croque en Bouche in class. I had fun pulling the sugar to make the bows and ribbon. The sugar is very hot to handle but it is manageable. Just think about jumping in your car on a hot summer day and grabbing the very hot steering wheel. That's about how hot the sugar feels. But it's fun.
If you are wondering about the lack of post to my blog, we had a school break all last week and on Monday of this week. But we are back at it now.


  1. You see these at Christmas time alot. How does it taste? I've never tired one.

  2. Well, we made it in two days so we did not fill it with vanilla or choclate pastry creams. The reason is that if we put it in the frige the caramel would melt, and if we left it out the pastry cream would go bad. But if you have ever had a cream puff, it would taste just like it but with caramel.
